

What we do

Strategy planning is the scientific process of creating strategies, deploying them, evaluating results and implementing lessons learnt and refining the process on an ongoing basis. An organisation that is truly mature balances its focus on action and results and makes constant course corrections to stay true to its purpose. SSA offers a holistic and time-tested approach to Strategy Planning based on its experience of guiding hundreds of industries worldwide. The key shift we bring about is that management and employees at each layer and each employee level are fully aligned with a shared set of objectives that are drilled down from the organisation’s objectives. The management’s focus is therefore entirely hinged on a set of key initiatives and metrics that aim to propel the organisation toward its short and long-term goals.

How we approach it

The first step in SSA’s strategy planning process is creating the Organisational Strategy Map (also called as Hoshin map) through a participative workshop with the senior leadership team. The organisational strategy map normally focuses on the improvement of company-wide business processes that require cross-functional coordination or coordination between the company and its suppliers and customers. Once this map is completed, it is time to start delegating responsibilities to teams across various functions within the organisation. Getting people to engage and buy in on the deployment process and deliverables is the key to strategy execution. This is achieved through successive cascading to tactical and operational levels by a process known as ‘catch-ball’. The strategy deployment process links all levels of the organisation to one another through lively discussions about the future of the company and negotiations about targets and means, roles, responsibilities, and the allocation and development of resources.

How We Help Clients

SSA offers a proprietary 12-step approach to strategy planning that involves envisioning, strategy formation and drill-down to departmental and individual goals and objectives. Over time, as strategies are crystallized, the key challenges that remain are implementation and follow-through. A well-documented strategy is only as good as its implementation. At SSA, we lay particular emphasis on implementation. We achieve this through a meticulous deployment process of linking and cascading strategies down to the grass-root level workforce. This is followed by a rigorous review regime to ensure people stay on course and time and effort are spared for only the most important strategic actions.

Organizations pursuing Business Excellence will benefit from challenging international frameworks for excellence. This helps them to set a timebound path for executing strategic initiatives to achieve their vision and objectives. One such framework is the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM).

What is EFQM?

The European Foundation for Quality Management, founded in 1988 it a not-for-profit membership foundation. It was founded with a mission to support organizations reach sustainable business excellence. EFQM is also the custodian of the EFQM Excellence Model, a non-prescriptive framework created by a team of experts from industry and academia that can be used to gain a holistic view of any organization, regardless of size, sector or maturity. Since its inception, the EFQM Excellence Model has been a blueprint for EFQM members and organizations across and beyond Europe to develop a culture of excellence, drive innovation, and improve results. Organizations can receive stars based on their level of excellence, or even special awards.

Benefits of EFQM Recognition

  • To be respected as a leading organisation for its commitment to excellence.
  • Retain leadership position as a quality and business excellence champion.
  • Manage changes proactively rather than reactively.
  • Engage all stakeholders (internal and external) towards a shared excellence vision.

Our Consulting Approach

SSA follows a 4 stage consulting approach as follows:

  • Stage 1 -
    Engagement and Preparations
  • Stage 2 -
    Gap Assessment and Developing Improvement Opportunities Implementation Plan
  • Stage 3 -
    Implementation of Prioritized Improvement Opportunities
  • Stage 4 -
    Preparation for External Assessment
  • Stage 5 -
    External Assessment by EFQM

This approach helps systematically prepare the foundation for excellence by building capability, performing gap assessments, implementing strategic and tactical initiatives, and measuring and improving relevant performance indicators. Our team of EFQM experts has worked with world-renowned clients and possesses the knowledge and experience to elevate the excellent practices of clients and help them achieve the highest recognition as per EFQM.
